Index of Core Plants

Rubber Rabbitbrush
Plants are listed in alphabetical order. If you think you know the name of a plant, click on the name. A Plant Note will display. Plant Notes often contain images and information of similar varieties. Be sure to scroll through the note to find what you are looking for.
- Agave, Utah
- Almond, Desert
- Bitterbrush
- Blackbrush
- Cactus, Englemann’s Hedgehog
- Cactus, Englemann Prickly Pear
- Cactus, Mojave Prickly Pear
- Cholla, Golden
- Cliffrose
- Cottonwood, Fremont
- Creosote Bush
- Datura
- Ephedra
- Juniper, Utah
- Manzanita, Pointleaf
- Mesquite, Honey
- Mormon Tea
- Oak, Shrub Live
- Pinyon Pine, Single-leaf
- Rabbitbrush, Rubber
- Redbud, Western
- Sagebrush, Big
- Sagebrush, Sand or Old Man
- Snakeweed, Broom
- Willow, Desert
- Willow, Narrowleaf
- Yucca, Banana or Datil
- Yucca, Utah
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