Our Mission Statement
The mission of Friends of Snow Canyon State Park is to support the mission of the park; to preserve and protect the ecological, historical and recreational integrity of Snow Canyon State Park through public awareness and education; and to promote the development of facilities and responsible recreation for present and future generations.
How did we come to be?
In June, 2011 Kristen Comella, Snow Canyon State Park Manager, hosted a group of interested local residents to discuss forming a friends organization for Snow Canyon in response to several years of across the board state budget cuts that were having a negative impact on the park. From this initial meeting, Friends of Snow Canyon was born. The motivation was straightforward: help raise money and provide a support system for Snow Canyon State Park.
A board of directors was created, by-laws and articles of incorporation were executed and in Feb. 2012 Friends received their 501(c)3 non-profit, charitable designation.
Our Statement of Purpose
- Support educational programs about the ecological, historical, cultural and recreational features of Snow Canyon State Park.
- Promote responsible recreational use of Snow Canyon State Park.
- Enlist public support for Snow Canyon State Park and endorsement from individuals, community organizations, businesses and political leaders.
- Develop funding sources for programs, staffing, operational/maintenance costs, and capital improvements for Snow Canyon State Park.
- Assist with volunteer staffing for park programs, events and operations.
We Volunteer
We commit time and energy to park work projects. Volunteers have pulled weeds, gathered litter, painted fences, and sanded graffiti off of sandstone cliffs. Friends of Snow Canyon may also serve as trail stewards or assist in other park programs and events.
We Provide Funding
Friends of Snow Canyon is a funding source for park projects. All money raised by Friends of Snow Canyon remains exclusively for Snow Canyon State Park use. Through yearly membership dues, donations, fundraising events, and grants, Friends of Snow Canyon has funded trail extensions, trail rebuilding, wayside exhibits, and the publication of educational materials.
We Advocate for the Park
Friends of Snow Canyon are advocates for the park. Whether at church, club, social, business, or athletic events—whenever possible—Friends of Snow Canyon advocate for the responsible use and preservation of the park.
We also support educational programs about the ecological, historical, cultural, and recreational features of Snow Canyon State Park.
We enlist public support for Snow Canyon and the public endorsement from individuals, community organizations, businesses, and political leaders.
Contact us at Friendsofsnowcanyon@gmail.com