The Friends of Snow Canyon annual report is available online

2024 Annual Report will be available soon. 2023 was a busy year for Friends of Snow Canyon.  Read about the many events and projects of 2024. Learn how membership monies, donations, and the many hours of volunteer time help to make Snow Canyon a memorable experience for visitors to this amazing park.  2025 promises to be a bigger and better year with more events and opportunities to help the park. If you are not a member you might want to consider membership or make a donation. As a totally volunteer organization you can be assured your membership or donation monies will go directly to support the park.

Congratulations to Kristen Comella

Kristen Comella

25 years of service

Friends of Snow Canyon honored Park Manager Kristen Comella’s 25 years of pure passion for making Snow Canyon State Park the best in the State.
Friend’s President, George Otott and members presented Kristen with locally created three dimensional art by artist, Rachael Magnan. Her unique work uses locally sourced used climbing rope to create the colorful pieces that represent the beauty of our area.

Chuckwalla Pavilion Dedication

On Friday, May 10th the Chuckwalla Pavilion was dedicated.  Members of the community, Friends of Snow Canyon members and donors were present on a beautul morning to see the unveiling of the donor board.  The project was made possible with donations from Vera Bensch Rowley, Black Desert Resort, the Ironman Foundation, the Erica Lockhart trust fund and Friends of Snow Canyon State Park. Funds and staff from the State helped make the project complete. Hikers and visitors can enjoy some shade before or after a hike or stop just to enjoy the great views which were showcased in the early morning light.


Friends of Snow Canyon volunteers help with the Docent Program at Snow Canyon State Park


Friends of Snow Canyon members assist docent program

Friends members help expand the docent program

Friends of Snow Canyon members work with park staff and the docent program. The mission of this docent program is to inspire deeper learning and engagement from members of the public and visitors who may not otherwise encounter educational or interpretive material in the park. This is mainly done through pop-up programs, where docents set up tables with activities and information about the park. These contacts spur conversations about conservation. So far, during the spring, this program has had 200+ conversations that wouldn’t have happened without these volunteers. Docents can also be found assisting at regular programs and helping with field trips.


Friends of Snow Canyon Receives Spirit of Service Award!

SALT LAKE CITY (July 27, 2023) –  Gov. Spencer Cox honored individuals and organizations who rendered exemplary service to others throughout the state. Four individuals and four organizations received the second annual Governor’s Spirit of Service Award in a ceremony in the Gold Room at the Utah State Capitol. The winners of this year’s awards were selected from hundreds of nominations submitted to the Governor’s Office earlier this year.

“The Spirit of Service winners are amazing examples of why Utah leads the nation in volunteerism and service,” Gov. Cox said. “I am honored to pay them tribute and recognize the good they are doing in our great state.”

THANK YOU to all Friends of Snow Canyon Members, Donors, and the Park staff for their support and efforts in making Snow Canyon State Park such a great place.

Friends of Snow Canyon State Park awarded a $12,000  Ironman Foundation Community Grant

Friends of Snow Canyon State Park has been awarded an Ironman Foundation  Community Grant in the amount of $12,000. The grant funds will be utilized to build a shade and picnic pavilion at the Chuckwalla Trailhead in the Paradise Canyon management unit of the Park.   The pavilion will be completed by February 2024. The structure will be completed using monies from an estate trust and Friends will be seeking other financial grants.

         The Tortoise Sculpture 

The Tortoise Walk is complete and available for your enjoyment.  Watch the arrival and placement of the sculpture, click Here to open Utube video Weighing in excess of 4000# uploading, positioning and lowering into place was quite a project. The process took over 2 hours. Enjoy this short video that captures many of the moments.

Tortoise Sculpture

The Tortoise has arrived

This short walk features educational wayside exhibits and culminates in a seating area centered around a large desert tortoise sculpture. Financial support by The Friends of Snow Canyon has been essential to the completion of the sculpture and the walkway leading to the sculpture.  We are grateful for the many donations we have received.  If you would like to make a new or additional donation to Friends of Snow Canyon, please click Donate. Many thanks to the sculptor, Matthew Gray Palmer, for sharing the interesting videos of the sculpture in progress.

Earlier video of the sculpture taking shape

Videos Available

Videos of our online presentations are now available for your viewing at your convenience. View recordings of our educational presentations now on YouTube. No password is needed and you can view in the YouTube app on your phone, computer or television. To view a listing of available listings on the Friends of Snow Canyon YouTube channel CLICK HERE.